When he arrived, I had a brief chat with him. He was an affable guy and concerned because it was about 5pm and he still had two more jobs to do before the end of the day, which was a problem because he lives on the eastern shore and it takes him three hours to get home. He'd most likely stay in a hotel, which is not uncommon for him. He was hoping to get some jobs on the shore in the coming days so he didn't have to cross the bridge. I asked him why he'd come so far and he said, "I do it for my kids." Then he repeated the toxic way of thinking that so many of what we'd consider the traditional "working class" are repeating these days.
"I <want> to work," he said, his emphasis on want implying that others don't. He went on to say, "I don't hate working," as if he were a hero for having a job.
I was about to say that he was lucky to have found something he liked to do that paid well, but the manager came over to discuss the invoice.
And he is lucky. So many people aren't so fortunate to be paid well for something they like to do. Some may be blessed with skills in areas that aren't valued by American society, such as the arts, so they have to take up other jobs to pay the bills. Others have rewarding hobbies that they'd rather spend time on than "work," but they can't find a way to make a living from it. You can't tell me that gardening isn't work, for example. (I work harder at that than most plumbers do plumbing.) Still others may hate their jobs because of poor management, a toxic work environment, or poor wages and benefits. That's the society we live in, where the haves steal labor and resources from the have nots, and we're supposed to be happy about it?
The tiresome narrative that people don't want to work is simply false. It's propaganda designed to sow division by using archaic, Calvinistic, ideological notions in pursuit of profit. The truth is what people don't want to do is work for these billionaires who pay them a pittance and try to control every aspect of their lives. We aren't slaves. We want to do something of value, and by value, I mean something that contributes to society rather than to some wealthhoarder's pocket.
Still, those I'm calling "working class elitists" repeat the lie ad nauseam. It makes them feel superior to something, even if the something isn't real. And let's face it, that something is us city dwellers, who are apparently all simultaneously black communist drag queens on welfare who don't want to work and also coastal elite lawyer types taking away Freedom!™️ I've lost track of the Narrative at this point.
That mentality has pervaded every corner of our society. FarmersOnly.com (City folks just don't get it.) Hallmark Channel (The unhappy city dweller returns to the small town and finds love.) Country music (So many songs about how country life is the best.) This has been going on for so many decades now that these folks are terrified of our fantastic American cities and believe every lie about them - fake riots, fake high crime rates, etc. One of those lies is that "no one wants to work anymore," and by "no one" they mean city dwellers.
I realize coastal elitism is real and played a role in the development of this "working class elitism" as a response, but it is exaggerated. What so-called coastal elites are frustrated with is middle America continuing to vote against its own interests, dragging us all down into the muck with them while billionaires suck up all the wealth. To watch their propaganda working so well is horrifying. To watch people gleefully throw their lives away because they think work itself is a virtue, even if they are working for peanuts and continue to struggle while they worship the wealthy, is a tragedy of the soul.
Let's face it. Many of us are indeed working class. Just because we sit in front of a computer screen all day instead of getting dirty doesn't mean we are not. Most of us are one misfortune away from the poor house, because medical bankruptcies are through the roof while our overlords profit.
That plumber shouldn't have to drive three hours and spend the night in a hotel "for his kids." Americans shouldn't have to waste time and money going to an office when they can work from home. We shouldn't have to work 40 hour weeks simply because Henry Ford decided that was the maximum number of hours his laborers would work before rebelling against him. No one should have to work two hours just to afford one egg.