Sunday, April 9, 2006

Progressive Service Announcement

A call from Preemptive Karma:
Netroots call to action!

The Bush White House is declining to deny that President Bush or Vice President Cheney authorized the leaking of national security information thru Scooter Libby. The implications are stupendous! But... Peter Daou understates the obvious,

The question over the next several days is whether or not we'll get a functioning triangle on the left, a coming together of the netroots, the Democratic establishment and the press to bring this story to a head. If so, Bush and his administration will sustain major political damage; if not, this will follow a long string of similar outrages into the memory hole. My head tells me that the elements are in place for the former, my gut tells me that despite an initial flurry, we're headed for the latter. Time will tell.

The Democratic establishment has a long track record of failure when it comes to holding Bushco accountable in a meaningful way. Likewise, the press. So that means it's up to the netroots to force the issue!

As I wrote earlier today, Digby asks the question of the century:

If the president was willing to authorize leaking of national security information to reporters for political purposes, why should we believe he won't authorize warrantless wiretaps on Americans for political purposes?

Digby's got a winner there!

Here's what I propose:

* Commit yourself to writing a letter to the editor of your local newspaper paraphrasing Digby's question in your own words.

* If you write for a blog, write a similar call to action by the netroots. Let's make a blog swarm out of this!

* Write to ten other bloggers and ask them to participate in the blog swarm, both committing to writing a letter themselves and asking their readers to do the same.

* Leave it up! Make it your top post for the entire weekend.

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