Studies suggest that many of the traits kids with ADHD exhibit can be expressions of deeper gifts: powerful imagination, searching insight and unusual intuition.I know that if I were growing up in this day and age, I'd be on ritalin. I was constantly getting in trouble for talking and messing around in class. Back then, school psychologists and administrators had some sense. They knew when kids were bored and often recommend students skip a grade to combat the "problem." They didn't seek to deprive kids of their creativity by feeding them chemicals.
Today, we think we can cure all of life's problems with pills, thanks to pharmaceutical companies constantly telling us that we can. Every time I have seen that Lunesta commercial during the baseball games this week, I am disgusted by the part implying that if your life is stressing you out, you should just take a pill and sleep it away. Forget about changing your lifestyle or addressing the problems that are preventing you from sleeping!
We are creating a generation of zombies by curing children of creativity and imagination. God, just think of all that would be lost had Ritalin been around throughout history. Our lives would be as dull as those of people who sit around watching reality television shows every night.
Important Safety Information: Lunesta should only be taken immediately before bedtime. Be sure you have at least eight hours to devote to sleep before becoming active. You should not engage in any activity after taking Lunesta that requires complete alertness, such as driving a car or operating machinery. You should use extreme care when engaging in these activities the morning after taking Lunesta. Do not use alcohol while taking any sleep medicine. Most sleep medicines carry some risk of dependency. Do not use sleep medicines for extended periods without first talking to your doctor. Side effects may include unpleasant taste, headache, drowsiness and dizziness. For more information, please see important product information.
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