The city's rich and well-connected were tipped off to last week's subway terror threat days before average New Yorkers, the Daily News has learned.I guess we got one thing out of this hoax: a healthy dose of reality. When real terrorism strikes, us pawns of society won't know until after it happens, when our mangled bodies are pulled from the wreckage, bleeding and broken and cursing about how misfortune continues to strike the lower classes in a disproportionate manner. Will those without health insurance be forever in debt to the hospitals, owned by the rich and powerful like Frist, because they weren't tipped off about the attack? Let us suffer equally, rich and poor alike, if we are to suffer at the expense of the "War on Terror(TM)", because next time, it might not be a hoax.
This information was classified. The people who leaked it to the rich and powerful should be punished accordingly.
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