Friday, April 29, 2005

A question

How do you appoint a well-known corrupt convict as minister of the most corrupt industry when he cannot even enter the neighboring country without being arrested?


  1. Simple, you do it secure in the knowledge that hardly anyone will even notice.

  2. glad to see you feel comfortable not only projecting US values on a foreign country but that other peoples should toe the line ....... quite US-centric of you. you know best.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. the US is the one who pushed the gov on them in the first place, regardless of how many purple fingers you see.

    besides, being against corruption is a global standard, not a US standard. if anything, the US is for corruption, as evident in AIG, Worldcom, Enron (the list goes on and on).

  5. whose definition of "corruption"? yours?

    btw, you left off Global Crossing from your list of corrupted companies. You know they were knee-deep in "corruption" with the DNC Head. Remember?

  6. proof that righties condone corruption. there is a standard definition of corruption in the global lexicon of business.

    i left off a lot of companies. i only put the standard series of three. no need to go on, the point was made.

  7. I simply cannot believe this sh*t!!!!Chalibi?
