Wednesday, April 20, 2005

DeLay Slams Supreme Court Justice

"We've got Justice Kennedy writing decisions based upon international law, not the Constitution of the United States? That's just outrageous," DeLay told Fox News Radio. "And not only that, but he said in session that he does his own research on the Internet? That is just incredibly outrageous."

1. The Constitution of the United States gives the Senate the power to ratify treaties, which the president makes. When a treaty is ratified, it becomes law. So, when Anthony Kennedy is making decisions based on international law, it IS constitutional.

2. DeLay needs to get with the times if he is criticizing someone for using the internet. Has he never used the internet? Does he not know that much of the information available in libraries is on the internet? Does he even know what the internet IS? Does he not realize that most of the legal system is online, and that LexisNexis is a valuable legal resource? This comment just shows the guy is losing it.

For the record, Kennedy was appointed by St. Reagan.


  1. pls note, kennedy was a second choice. he got the seat in which Robert Bork should be sitting !!

  2. so. a lot of judges are second choices. that is the way the system is set up. one party does not dictate who runs our judicial system.

  3. oh, you mean like the leftists are trying to do in the Senate?

  4. lost in all of delay's advocacy for violence against judges is the fact that the gop blocked more of clinton's appointees than the dems have blocked of bush's. the whiny crybabies of the gop are just having tantrums because they aren't getting everything their way. that's not how it works in this country.

  5. would love to see the stats. be sure and cover the same time periods.

    bubba's first 4.5 years vs. w's first 4.5 years.

    the left likes to twist the time periods to fit their radical judicial agenda.

  6. the dems were in power for the first two years of clinton's presidency. duh. when newt took over, all hell broke loose, and compromise no longer existed in the american language.

  7. in other words, similar time periods don't "fit" your extreme left-wing agenda .......

    p.s. we do need to get you a copy of the Const. it is the SENATE that confirms judges. Newt was speaker of the HOUSE ......

  8. i didn't say that newt confirmed judges. he led the gop, what would you call it, revolution? revolt? whatever newt's plan was for the gop to take over and change all the vocab in the country.

  9. thought we were talking about confirming judges.

