Thursday, July 7, 2005

I wanted to bring to your attention Blue 88. "Blue 88 is a statewide grassroots organization that works throughout Ohio’s 88 counties to reinvigorate, rebuild, and reform the Ohio Democratic Party."
One-Party Republican Rule is destroying Ohio. Here is what it's brought us:

• A failing public education system
• Soaring college and university tuition
• A poor job market and stagnant economy
• Skyrocketing healthcare and insurance costs
• Out-of-control government spending
• An outmoded tax system
• Younger workers and families leaving the state
I sure left as soon as I could. I've been thinking about going back to try to help fix the state, but I am conflicted about it. You'll meet a lot of Ohioans here in DC, because we all seem to flee. It's a good place. Cleveland has great beaches, Columbus is a fun city, and if Cincinnati would finally move out of the 1950s, it would be too. Go Reds!

Please take a minute to visit their website and see what it's all about, and if you have a few cents to spare, a donation would be greatly appreciated! It's time Ohio gets back to it's bluer roots.

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