Wednesday, July 6, 2005

Today's wrapup

Bush and bikes, democratic blasphemy in DC, G8, spiritual warfare, China's being a bully, Santorum, actors being policymakers, Christian terrorists, Halliburton, DOD police state, defending Limbaugh, free press = terrorism... my head feels like it's spinning now. Reality is perception, not the other way around. Truth can be debated. Everyone lives in his own world. 2+2 sometimes equals four, sometimes equals five. I always wondered why people like Plato had to define truth. In contemporary Americana, nothing seems real. Heritage can manipulate stats to make them factual. WMDs can suddenly become a non-reason for War. You have people like this who think most people suffer miserably when it comes to death and people can do no right. You have others like this who think that there is no spiritual force behind life. (It must suck to never feel loved.) You have people who hate anyone who doesn't agree with them. You have others who feel like saving the planet is not worth it. Why should you try? You'll be dead before the Earth becomes uninhabitable, right? You have athletes making more money they can spend while a whole continent is starving and dying of preventable diseases.

The tuba player next door to me is playing tonight. Do you know what it is like to live next to a tuba player? It can be irritating. I'd never ask him to not play tuba, though. It's his right, and he's very considerate. Never before or after nine. What is it about extremists that make them incapable of compromise? Is there something psychologically wrong with them? There is definitely something socially wrong with them. Like individualists, they can't live with other people. They can't stand the fact that there are others out there who don't agree with them. What makes them that way? Insecurity? Childhood drama?

You know, all of this is the best part of America. I am not a defeatest, though. I'll fight for what I believe in. I believe in democracy, and part of democracy is equality and freedom. It's not just getting off your ass for one day to vote. It's civic participation. It's going to community meetings. It's participating in political campaigns. It's blogging. It sure as hell isn't putting a ribbon on your SUV and "supporting the troops(TM)" just so you don't have to think about your draft age son dying in the desert.

The Democrats are the party of Jefferson. You may have heard of him. He wrote about freedom. The word has been tossed around by this administration and nearly rendered meaningless. But I am a linguist. I believe in it. I know its meaning. And I will fight for it.

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