Thursday, May 12, 2005


Sirota dug this up:
"Should any political party attempt to abolish social security, unemployment insurance, and eliminate labor laws and farm programs, you would not hear of that party again in our political history. There is a tiny splinter group, of course, that believes you can do these things. Among them are...a few other Texas oil millionaires, and an occasional politician or business man from other areas. Their number is negligible and they are stupid."
- President Dwight D. Eisenhower, 11/8/54


  1. i know leftists like to live in the past. should we all go back to the ways things were in 1954?

  2. Valid points endure as time validates them. What Ike said in 1954 about the millionaires from Texas who want to turn our country back to the Dark Ages is true today. The same goes for the military-industrial complex.

    The progressives don't live in the past, but unfortunately we haven't made much headway on the issues that great Republican president spoke about....

    We all know that the theologs, the powerlogs, the rapturists, the conservative right, are the ones who want to go to the past. They are anti-scientific, anti-reason, intolerant, and with a microscopic horizon.
    It was in the Dark Ages that people like them wanted a young and ..flat Earth (which was made in a couple days by the creator), didn't accept evolution, and wanted to burn at the stake the "witches" and the heretics....

    But, a bumper-sticker mentality serves the purpose of the elites. Stupid people are easier to manipulate.

    Now, we know: there are no Republicans who are true to their own ideology, and have the guts to stand up and reclaim their party. They've become "facilitators" and occasionally barking dogs on cue from their masters. It's pathetic.

  3. Similar to the Dems in 1964 (a slightly more recent era) who tried to filibuster the Civil Rights Act?

    How about the environmentalist/socialist who claimed in the 1970's we would be in a 2nd Ice Age by now? complete global famine? needing to use a gas mask because the air would be so heavily polluted?

    How about leftists (which you refer to as "progressives") such as Mao and Stalin, not sure if they ever burned anyone at the stake .... but I do think they did quite the number on tens of millions of people. All in the name of communism/socialism ("progressive" ideas for their time).

    Are these some of the paragons of science, tolerance, and reason you worship?

  4. Mao and Stalin were not "leftists". Learn to think instead of spouting off propaganda.

  5. i stand corrected, socialists.

  6. Any dictator, totalitarian, criminal, intolerant person cannot act in the name of progress. It's that simple. We do "worship" reason, tolerance and the scientific method... values that you don't seem to embrace.

    As a matter of fact, you'll more likely to find, those persons that you mentioned, on your side of the political spectrum--where not only there is no room for revision (regardless of the facts or new knowledge), but you don't recognize the right of others to lead a different life and hold different beliefs.

    Your American Taliban has much more in common with those who rode commercial airplanes into buildings on 911, because they, like you,were absolutely convinced that they held the absolute truth (found by divine revelation, not through reason & inquiry) and that they acted in the name of God!

    I am a liberal and by definition a progressive. Yet, I'm not going to defend anyone who simply picks up the liberal label but acts as a bigot or a moron. Lastly, the first victims of every totalitarian system are the liberals and all those who advocate freedom, democracy, diversity, critical thinking, and civil rights!

  7. That sounds very framiliar... I wonder if Eisenhower had been seeing into the future to, say... um, today?
