Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Where is the missing link?

So the Bush administration knew about the oil for food corruption scandal but did nothing about it. How do we find out if they were actually a part of it? We know DeLay's connections with Naftasib, a known player in the oil-for-food scandal, and we know the Bush campaign still owes $314K to Abramoff, but where is that missing link? How can the oil tycoons of this administration not be connected to such an oil scandal, especially in light of the past good relationship these people have had with Saddam?

Man, I wish I didn't have a job so I could spend more time investigating this. I'll do my best in my spare time.


  1. i am sure you will "find" any connection which fits your version of the truth.

    when did oil-for-food start? did the program run perfectly without scandal between 1993-2001?

    i am sure you will let the chips fall where they may....

  2. The Bush admin was in the private sector at that time running their oil/energy companies.

    Why did the Bush admin turn a blind eye to what was going on when they became the public sector?

  3. daedalus, no need to respond to the trolls. . . they live for the dark :-)
