Friday, May 20, 2005

U.S. continues pursuit of 'unchecked executive power'

An abbreviated summary of the latest report from Amnesty International, titled "Guantanamo and beyond: The continuing pursuit of unchecked executive power." From The Daily Star in Beirut.

Why has this report not showed up in the American media?

The US "pick-and-choose" approach to international law and standards is pathetic. Isn't America supposed to be a nation of principles? Am I allowed to go out and say, I don't like this law, so I am not going to follow it? If I am caught speeding, I am fined for breaking a law I don't like. What is the US government's punishment? I suppose it is that we are losing our competitive edge, but that doesn't affect people like Bush whose policies are the cause of this.

What's more, why is the public not outraged that a nation that preaches freedom and democracy has such a horrendous record on human rights? When are people going to get off their asses, stop watching American Idol, and start being productive members of a democracy? When their kids are drafted? When they are forced to go to church every week? When they are forced to wear gold stars on their clothes? I mean, there has to be a breaking point somewhere, right?


  1. do you think anyone really cares what an anti-American group like Amnesty International has to say?

    ever think you are in the minority?

    do you ever criticize the vast # of countries with truly "horrendus" records on human rights?

    unless bound by treaty the US is not required to abide by international "law." your analogy shows a complete lack of knowledge in the international "legal" arena.

  2. I am part of the global population, of which the US population is a small sliver. I am in the majority. I don't have red, white, and blue in my eyes, so I can see what's going on in the world. I am not part of the 60% of Americans who still cannot point to Iraq on a map. See my criticism of the Uzbek regime from a few days ago if you really believe that.

    The US signed the Geneva Convention. It was ratified by the Senate. The US has broken it. Your comment shows a complete lack of knowledge in the international "legal" arena.

  3. Oh? Please do cite the relevant portions of the Geneva Convention which the US has broken?

    You know the Geneva Convention that deals with the treatment of prisoners who fight under the uniform and flag of a country. The one that talks about not deliberately targeting civilians. You know that one.......

    As far as being a citizen of the world, me too. That is why I am so glad to see socialism being flushed down the old toilet.....

  4. wow, this really is like having your own little pet leftist:

    although, this one makes a little too much sense to be considered a true "progressive." real progressives would refer to the above as "a bit too much mainstream for my tastes....."


  5. waiting for that cite perry mason ......

  6. yo, perry mason

  7. your hysteria is very reassuring:

    When their kids are drafted? When they are forced to go to church every week? When they are forced to wear gold stars on their clothes? I mean, there has to be a breaking point somewhere, right?

  8. no hysteria here. just using exaggeration as a point driving device. just commenting on american apathy towards gitmo.

  9. nice,

    exaggerating your beloved Geneva Convention claims, wow a moment of clarity for the left.

  10. didn't say exaggering geneva convention, just the draft, church, stars thing.

    of course, because people aren't wearing matching uniforms, they can't be considered prisoners of war, right? because god knows that a flag and uniform make you right.

  11. make up your mind. are we following the GC or not? if so, you have to take the parts you do not "like" along with the parts you do.
