Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Do you see the pattern here?

Another homophobic moral pig turns out to be a sexual pervert, and GASP!, he's a gop!


  1. any links to his homophobic moralizing? or are you just making that part up?

  2. good one nude ..........

  3. How about the bill he co-sponsored that would have barred gays from state jobs, or the bill that would have required closeted gays to publicly and officially acknowledge their homosexuality as a pre-condition for state employment? Hmmm...

  4. Yep. I live in Washington State & Mayor West IS a pig. I'm sure your republican serial commenter will defend him because that is what guys like him do...and you KNOW that he is a guy..maybe even one of "those" guys...you know the self-loathers that hate the gays because he is one. That seems to be a consistant problem in the gop

  5. anon,

    what do you refer to your own "hate" as?

  6. The difference is that we don't hate groups of people or types of behavior while secretly being part of that group or engaging in that type of behavior.
