Tuesday, May 17, 2005

USA is not a Christian nation

The Treaty of Tripoli states:
Art. 11. As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion; as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion, or tranquillity, of Mussulmen; and, as the said States never entered into any war, or act of hostility against any Mahometan nation, it is declared by the parties, that no pretext arising from religious opinions, shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries.
Authored by American diplomat Joel Barlow in 1796, the treaty was sent to the floor of the Senate, June 7, 1797, where it was read aloud in its entirety and unanimously approved. John Adams, having seen the treaty, signed it and proudly proclaimed it to the Nation. The treaty prevented religious war with the North Africans.

Perhaps it is the time to reintroduce this treaty and this line of thinking into American political discourse in light of current events. American foreign relations with the Muslim world began with it.


  1. great lets live completely under the laws in place in 1797.

    i thought leftists considered themselves "progress"-ives?

    have they currently "progressed" to 1797?

  2. going back to 1797 is progress indeed because it shows that there were people with progressive ideas as early as 1797, not dumb asses like some people who run countries today and also some dumb asses who think they are smart enough to comment on a wonderful blog like this.

  3. leftist tolerance is so alllllllll encompassing. lolololololololol

  4. yes the poor left has to tolerate the right. Didnt you know that most of the people in this country like it the "right" way? Till they start understanding the difference between "right" and RIGHT sanity wont persist in the second largest democracy in the world.

  5. 59 million can't be wrong ...........

  6. Good find, daedalus.

  7. i can help you out with life. just remember this:

    The Bible said it, I believe it, That settles it!

  8. 59 million people can't be wrong? Hitler had a majority, too.

  9. Let's live completely under the laws in place in 1797? Technically, this law is still on the books, since the treaty never expired. But more importantly, you are saying that this law is too old to follow, so with your logic that means the US Constitution is too old to follow.

    BTW, it says the country was not founded as a Christian country. That is a historical fact. Just because the right likes to change history to suit its agenda doesn't change the reality of truth.

    We are supposed to learn from history. When something is wrong, we need to go back to the beginning and see where we screwed up to try to fix it. This treaty is the beginning of our foreign relations with the Islamic world. We can learn something from what the founders did.

  10. I don't understand why the conservatives and the American Taliban are so worried...

    IF they've got the total truth, by divine revelation no less, then they should be happy and let ..god sort the rest of us out!
    Why do they want to impose their religion on the rest of us?
    Unless they believe that they're self-appointed missionaries hell-bent on saving the savages....

  11. I think they are just upset because they aren't getting enough special privileges and preference these days.

    "Equal rights, not special rights!"

  12. If the Socialist Left has everything figured out and are so true, why are they forcing their religion (government, environmentalism, etc) on the rest of us?

  13. the air belongs to all of us (or none of us)

    if you want anarchy, move to iraq

  14. stop forcing the religion of the Left on the rest of us.

  15. Are you saying that for the sake of some minor sensitivities at home that the United States may never fight a war where there are muslims involved? The islamists are fighting the religious war, the US isn't.

    This accusitory notion that leftist have managed to embed is solipsistic nonsense, truly.

    When I was young I lived in the GDR - I know what the world view is like, and we find it here among the faux radicals of the left in the US, Australia, and western europe. In their lust for social control, they have lost their bearings.

  16. No, idiot. I'm saying that the founders did not view this country as a Christian one, and that we need to stop viewing it as that, especially when we are making foreign policy in hyper religious areas.

    OOH, you are the only one that has ever lived in another country. (Being a righty, you probably are one of the few on your side that has.) When was that, when you were three? Have you ever been to the Mideast? Doubtful. Keep up your world view, and you can take pleasure in finding people living in dire poverty while people like you who don't give a damn about anyone but yourself are getting fatter by the minute.
